Ducks Unlimited's Conservation Easement Program

Wetland Habitat Project

Conservation easements can meet the needs of interested owners of working farms, ranches, timberlands, sporting properties and recreational lands, who wish to protect valuable natural resources while retaining ownership of the property. A perpetual conservation easement allows a landowner to protect key natural habitats of a property while continuing to use the area for economic gain or recreation.

How Easements Work  |  Easement FAQs


conservation easement is a legal agreement that a land owner makes to restrict the type and amount of development that may take place on his or her property. The easement document is tailored to meet the needs and interests of the landowner. DU believes that most lands can benefit wildlife and still produce an economic return to its owner.

DU's program accepts easements in perpetuity through its affiliate Wetlands America Trust, as well as accompanying donations to cover associated costs such as the annual monitoring effort. DU agrees to monitor the property on a yearly basis to ensure the protection of its natural resources for years to come. Such protection will ensure that large acreages of wetlands, riparian habitats and important uplands will be preserved for the benefit of waterfowl, other wildlife and the enjoyment of future generations. This partnership between the landowner and DU also may result in the reduction of current income and estate taxes.

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