Purpose: To restore wetlands in the upper Osage River drainage basin. Partners conducted restoration on nine sites within the flood basin of the Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir. Wetlands on several sites were restored using a technique that created gradual contours on the land by scouring shallow areas and forming raised mounds throughout the marsh. Partners planted mast producing trees on some of the mounds and allowed natural wetland plants to grow on the slopes and scours throughout the wetland.

The project lands provide resting and foraging areas in the spring and fall for migratory waterfowl including northern pintail, gadwall, green-winged teal and mallards. Resident wood ducks nest and raise broods in the Truman Lake area and will use the restored wetlands to support their needs.


Location: Henry and St. Clair Counties, Missouri


Acres Impacted: 1,008


Habitat Type: Palustrine emergent wetlands, palustrine scrub-shrub wetlands and native wet prairie.


Partners: The North American Wetlands Conservation Council, Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation, Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), Agri Drain Corporation, Audubon Society of Missouri, DBY Specialties, Forrest Keeling Nursery, Kansas City Power and Light Company, Missouri Waterfowl Association, Sharp Brothers Seed Company, Women's Conservation Club, Grand Slam Waterfowl and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Ducks Unlimited, Inc.


All wetland sites are on land owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the MDC will manage the properties. Some areas will be open to the public for recreation including wildlife viewing and hunting.


Timeline: Planning began in summer 2004, a North American Wetlands Conservation Act small grant was awarded in 2005 and the project was completed in December 2005.