Ducks Unlimited's Suisun Marsh Waterfowl Production Program (completed in 2004) utilized public-private partnerships to enhance wetlands and associated uplands in the Suisun Marsh, located in Solano County. The Suisun Marsh is one of the most important production areas for mallards. More than 75 percent of mallards wintering in California were produced in California, particularly in the Suisun Marsh.


The Suisun Marsh produces many of California's mallards.

Wetland habitat was enhanced for the benefit of waterfowl production by improving water circulation, increasing water management capabilities, restoring overgrown emergent wetlands to hemi-marsh, creating brood ponds and planting native grasses on upland areas. Typical project activities included pond bottom grading, discing and seeding uplands, cutting new v-ditches, improving water conveyance through existing ditches and cutting new circulation and drainage ditches.

The Project worked with many private landowners (red and blue) and complements DU's multiple projects on the Grizzly Island WA (green).

In total, from 2001 to 2003, more than 25,100 acres were enhanced for waterfowl production by more than 180 separate projects. The Suisun Marsh is truly a diverse habitat mosaic of private and public lands, which together provide habitat for thousands of breeding waterfowl and tens of thousands of wintering waterfowl.



Proper water management and good infrastructure
helped to improve waterfowl production.