Purpose: To restore 150 acres of waterfowl habitat on Oconee WMA through installation of six water control structures and renovation of several dikes. This project will create three waterfowl impoundments that enhance management capabilities adjacent to Lake Oconee. Water levels within each impoundment will be manipulated to produce moist-soil vegetation. In some years, agricultural crops will be grown during summer months to provide additional foraging opportunities for migrating waterfowl. This project will be managed by the Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources to provide brood rearing habitat for resident wood ducks, as well as, increased foraging habitat for migrating and wintering dabbling ducks. Oconee WMA offers limited public waterfowl hunting opportunities.

Location: Approx. 15 miles east of Eatonton, GA (Putnam and Hancock Counties)

Acres Impacted: 150 acres

Habitat Type: Moist-soil Wetlands
Flooded Agricultural Crops

Partners: Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Georgia Power Company
Ducks Unlimited, Inc

Timeline: Construction was completed in 1992

DU Contact: Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs - Georgia
3896 Leeds Avenue
Charleston, SC 29405
(843) 745-9110