Ducks Unlimited recently completed water delivery enhancement work on Mendota Wildlife Area's (WA) Field 51. This effort was part of DU's Grasslands Ecological Area - Phase 3 North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grant activities, which improved habitat at the Salt Slough Unit of North Grasslands WA, Mendota WA, Los Banos WA and Volta WA, as well as at several ducks clubs in the Grasslands Water District.



A little help from Mendota WA staff.


The Mendota Field 51 project took an existing flat field with limited habitat value in the southeast corner of the wildlife area and improved its waterfowl habitat conditions. This project enhanced 315 acres of seasonal wetlands by excavating water conveyance swales, installing new water control weirs and constructing a water delivery ditch to flood each of three wetland basins independently. The project was completed in 2005.