Purpose: To enhance 2,000 acres of flooded sloughs and adjacent bottomland hardwoods on Delta National Forest through installation of 5 water control structures. The Long Bayou Project involves the improvement of existing water control structures and the modification of drainage patterns that have been affected by beaver activity. Replacement of the existing culverts will reduce beaver control problems and increase waterfowl habitat capabilities. This project provides valuable foraging habitat to migrating and wintering waterfowl near the Big Sunflower River. Mallards and wood ducks will be the primary waterfowl species that benefit from this project.

Seasonally Flooded Bottomland Hardwoods

Location: Approximately 10 miles southwest of Holly Bluff, MS (Sharkey County)

Acres Impacted: 2,000 acres

Habitat Type: Seasonally Flooded Bottomland Hardwoods

Partners: U.S. Forest Service
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Timeline: Construction was completed in fall 1998