Purpose: This conservation project will provide a dependable source of freshwater for wintering waterfowl on Currituck NWR. The project involved the installation of a new well field and pump station to enhance a 150-acre emergent wetland. Situated along the outer banks, this project site will provide critical freshwater wetland habitat for migratory birds and the supplemental water system will enhance wetland management capability, especially during period of droughts. This project is part of the Sound Investment Phase I, Virginia and North Carolina NAWCA grant submitted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2002 and approved by the North American Wetlands Conservation Council (NAWCC) in September 2003. Numerous waterfowl species will benefit from this project including pintails, mallards, black ducks, and lesser scaup. The USFWS will manage the project to benefit wintering waterfowl and will allow limited public use of the area.

Location: Currituck NWR, Currituck County, North Carolina

Acres Impacted: 150 acres

Habitat Type: Freshwater Emergent Wetlands

Partners: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
North American Wetlands Conservation Council
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.

Timeline: Project completed in February 2006

DU Contact: Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
3294 Ashley Phosphate Rd, Suite 1-F
North Charleston, SC 29418